Sunday, 26 July 2015

Mussel Ranch?

I call a lot of businesses in my job, and recently, I called a number on the East coast that was for a mussel ranch.
I'm sure these are pretty common in those parts, and I imagine they're just places where they breed/keep/raise mussels, but I couldn't help letting my mind roam for a few minutes.
Hmmm..."mussel ranch"..."mussel ranch"...

"Boy! Git in here!"
"Yeah, pa?"
"You done left that net open agin, an' them bull mussels got out!"
"Sorry, pa."
"Never mind that, boy. We gotta git them rounded up. Lord knows how many inches away them critters are by now!"

Or, if there's a mussel ranch, maybe there's a...

Mussel Roping and Branding
Musselwagon Races
Bull Mussel Riding
Mussel Slurping Contest
Mussel Recipes (for the Ladies)

Well, you get the picture.

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